Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Jean-Talon Market

Yesterday, my boyfriend and I went to Jean-Talon market. When we used to live on the Plateau (in Montreal), we would go pretty much every week-end. But now that we moved to the south shore, we can only go so often. It was our first time for this year.

All the fruits and vegetables are starting to come out and it was just amazing! Asparagus from Quebec are in season right now. So we got two bunches of it. We stopped at our favorite cheese mogul and came out with three different types of cheeses. We bought Gruyère, Nazareth, and La petite Basque. The two first are made of cow's milk, and the last one is made of goat's milk. DELICIOUS!!! We also bought some smoked trout and salmon to snack on while at the market. And we bought just enough vegetables and fruit to last us for the whole week!

There are so many specialty stores and vendors. You can pretty much find all that you need at this market and then some! Although I must admit that the reason why we were going to the market in the first place was to get some vegetable plants for our garden...I guess we'll just have to come back next week! :)

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